Post by 6&7/MLP Fan on Jul 6, 2010 0:51:01 GMT -5
Post by Kim9158 on Jul 6, 2010 1:42:17 GMT -5
Wow hey what is this site anyways? It was pretty funny and they bring up pope doll? Seriously it's really funny to read what people think of this movie and all the memes that came with it. XD
Post by Ani on Jul 6, 2010 1:43:07 GMT -5
Huh, and where has this been hiding? I haven't seen it before in any of the times I ran a search for it... PX
Post by Socky The Bold on Jul 6, 2010 2:19:42 GMT -5
Hehe, I avidly follow that page. Edited a couple things, too. It is very amusing. (Has anyone seen the blurb on 9 in the Film section on the Ho Yay page? It made me crack up. And squeal. Loudly.)
Post by Zenoah on Jul 6, 2010 2:33:44 GMT -5
It also calls the Fabrication Machine Mr. Fab as well. Been trolling our forum much?
Odd...it also says this about the Seamstress:
That creepy, creepy doll face. Covering a human skull.
Is...is it really?
Post by Azvolrien on Jul 6, 2010 6:12:55 GMT -5
I don't think the Seamstress has a skull for a head... I think the doll's just broken so that it looks like one.
I've edited that page quite a lot. I added a few of the tropes to the list, but the only ones I can remember for sure were me are Fingore and Security Cling.
Post by Annadesu on Jul 6, 2010 8:57:48 GMT -5
Nah, I don't think it's covering a human skull. It's just the doll head that is missing the mouth area, so the yarn can go in. o.o; I remember this being mentioned a while ago, it was edited by a lot of people here That's where the "5 is the little black dress of the fandom" came from, I believe. XD
Post by 6&7/MLP Fan on Jul 6, 2010 21:06:55 GMT -5
Well, who exactly called 5 the Angst Waffle? XDDD
Post by Socky The Bold on Jul 6, 2010 21:25:58 GMT -5
Someone on deviantART, I think. I saw a couple comics titled "Angst Waffle's Alarm Clock" and such. It's a pretty funny nickname, anyway. XDD
Post by Castoro Chiaro on Jul 6, 2010 21:53:59 GMT -5
I lol'd XD
I've actually seen this before, but it was fun to read through it again.
Post by Socky The Bold on Jul 6, 2010 23:19:38 GMT -5
I thought the entry it has for the film under the trope "Failure Hero" is kinda funny. 'Specially the ending line. "In the end, 9 can't even die right." XDD
EDIT: Just found these two under "Tropers Do It With Nobility". -9 does it without asking. -Stitchpunks do it with their soulmates. C:
Post by Castoro Chiaro on Jul 7, 2010 10:21:15 GMT -5
XD Bow chicka wow wow.
There were a few memorable quotes in there when you look through.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who giggled at that. XD I mean...WOW. I never thought of it this way, but now I feel so freaking bad for 5.
GAH. SO glad to hear I'm not the only one who found Russian!1 unbelievably extreme. It just didn't sit right with me and this explains precisely why. He sounded like a bad fanfic author's interpretation of 1.
YES. Just...YES.
<_< ... >_> *scurries off to find* MUST REEEEAAAD--*shot*
Too true! XD
I now have the urge to shout COBRA BABY.
Wow, I didn't know that, actually. Is that really what BRAIN's name stands for?
Post by ~{Eli-the-Panda}~ on Jul 7, 2010 10:41:41 GMT -5
XD i love that site.....it's also very interesting what they say about the characters (i've known about it since, like, last July)
Post by crazydiary86 on Jul 7, 2010 12:12:44 GMT -5
I quote Castoro. All XD BWAHAHAHAH!!!!!
But honestly, although it made me laugh, I did not understand why 5 has the nickname Angst Waffle? I would have called Emo and crybaby victimizing XP
Post by Lady-Moth on Jul 7, 2010 12:37:56 GMT -5
Seriously the characterization of 1 was one of the reasons I didn't like the Russian dub...they just took away so much of his character.
Now, the reason those were quoted was cuz...8DDDD I added those! That's probably why you feel they're "trolling the forums..." I added a few stuff there. ^^; So did a few others! C'mon, Tropers, step forward! (I also added Fan Nickname (Mr. Fab!), the mention of 2xSeamstress under Crack Pairings, and Eye Scream. Can you guys believe that the page existed for about a MONTH or so without that trope being listed?)